A Little History
Sick of Liberals started as a blog many moons ago back when the interwebs had very few websites dedicated to niche content. The inspiration for the website was born after Barack Hussein Obama was elected as the 44th president of the United States in 2008. Boy what a memorable and busy year that was for our little blog. We quickly grew from 0 subscribers to thousands. While the website looks much different today than what it did back then, it’s purpose is still the same: provide a safe place for like-minded individuals to gather, vent their frustrations and stay informed and maybe even have a few laughs along the way.
Fast Forward to Today
Today, Sick of Liberals is not just a passion project blog but also an e-commerce site to help support our little outfit and bring some smiles to interested parties. We believe that it’s important to create funny, timeless products that help to de-escalate divisive times. Our products make great gifts but we understand if you give into temptation and enjoy them for yourself.
Contrary to the name of this site, we welcome all walks of life and value your feedback. Whether you have comments, post or product ideas or just want to vent; we would love to hear from you! Feel free to contact us below and we’ll try to get back with you as soon as possible.
Contact Sick of Liberals
To contact a Sick of Liberals representative, please text us at (408) 215-1762 or email us at info@sickofliberals.com. You can also send a message by clicking here. Please note, a live representative is not available so we will get back to you within 24 to 48 hours.